Friday, December 16, 2011


Dreamt last night that I took the time to investigate where my interview on Monday was going to be, down to determining where the nearest dry cleaner was to what codes I'd need in the parking garages.  Come interview day, I was waiting in the lobby with Jess, Melissa and Whitney, and I realized I wasn't dressed appropriately at all.  I tried on their clothes but nothing made sense, and the shirt I had left with the dry cleaner wasn't clean or dry.  I went home to find something else, and must have fallen asleep or something because at 2:55 someone pointed out that I was most definitely going to be late.  Jennifer was driving me there so I could finish assembling myself in the passenger seat and try to email/call the interviewers to tell them I was stuck in traffic or whatever.  By the time 3:45 rolled around and we were still in the car, I'd given up.

Fast forward and I'm on some kind of cruise/vacation package digging through a cooler looking for some Wailua Wheat.  I had to stop my hunt prematurely because Erin and Jess Salem had to leave early... something about birds.  Which actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Had a weird mash-up dream last night in which I was driving cross-country and stopped to get gas with Jennifer, but after I got the pump all set up the car started rolling backwards down a hill.  She pulled the emergency brake but to no avail, so I had to chase the car down and throw her the keys so she should drive it back up.  By the time we got the car situated, $10 worth of gas had been completely wasted, and somehow I was now filling up a moped, which takes approximately one gallon of gas.  I tried to complain to management but they wouldn't reimburse me, so I left in a huff and waited for my parents outside, where I found some girl (who I think I knew in the dream) trying to melt her engagement ring into an ice sculpture because she didn't want it anymore.  Some things happened that I can't really remember, then I was on a beach watching Melissa looking for one of her missing kindergartners (apparently she was a teacher and one of her students had gone missing). The lifeguard found the kid alive and well and brought it back to shore, and the water was bizarrely deep right at the break.  Shortly after that, a giant crocodile emerged so we started evacuating people from the beach into this big house.  I had to try to explain to some old lady that didn't speak English what a croc was, and I kept telling her it was like a dinosaur, but not extinct.  Anyway, the dinosaur attacked after we thought everyone was inside, but Gerzon got left behind.  Flash forward and I'm in the car with Rich and someone else driving somewhere, and he accidentally drove up a roller coaster track, thinking it was the road.  We safely backed up out of danger, and found ourselves in an art class painting tote bags with "truncated" pictures.  The girl next to me kept talking about her friend Gerzon and I was convinced that somehow he had time traveled from croc attack into this girls life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

bon voyage

Dreamt last night that it was my last day in Hawaii and Rich and I were supposed to go to the beach with Max and Christina. Keli'i swung by to try to explain some secret beach where the water was two different temperatures, but mid-explanation I realized I was naked from the waist down and went inside. I started packing all the frames that were hanging but couldn't find anywhere to put the push pins I was pulling down. We never made it to the beach, but soon I was in a car with Jess and the girls and we went to see a seamstress with a tent outside an apartment complex. For some reason, Jessica was really made at her because something was missing or wrong, but I had given her my wallet to make it close tighter, and was pleased with her work. Flash to me sitting at a diner with Ward and Meg and one of their parents and congratulating Meg on her kickass Halloween costume. THEN I was at my going-away party, hosted by Umberto's, even though I was leaving Hawaii and going to work for them. A four course meal was served with dancing in between meals, and Loeven and I did an awesome swing dance. I also played a round of red light, green light, 1 2 3 with Nally's little cousins, before returning to my table to try to remove the pork core from my steak. After dinner I went to use the bathroom and then got hopelessly lost, and the building got increasingly spooky. I was climbing up these creepy, hanging metal staircases when I saw Eduardo and started yelling for him to wait, but he couldn't hear me. When I tried to chase after him, I realized my feet were floating and I couldn't get them to hit the ground, which really slowed me down. I ran into a family who pointed out that my steps were really weird. I stopped being so terrified of the creepy building I was in, because if this family was here it was probably fine, but I never did make it back to the party.

unscheduled stop

Seems as good a time as any to jump back in...

Took a nap this morning and dreamt that I was asleep on an airplane, but vaguely aware that the woman sitting next to me was freaking out that we were landing something like 8 hours early. I woke up when the plane stopped moving, it turned out that we had to land because someone had died on the plane and they didn't want the body on the next 8 hours of the flight. When I looked out the window, I realized that the plane had landed next to the Sydney Opera House and I HAD TO get off the plane. I did manage to do that, and had something like an hour and half in the city before we left again. I was running around taking pictures of everything, and ended up on a road on a cliff looking down into the city when I ran into a roadside Danielle Steel book swap, which consisted of two dudes and a box of books. Weird. I bought some Tim Tams and got back on the plane, flash forward and I'm explaining my strange trip to Ward. The best reason I could come up with that I was allowed to get off the plane at all was because I had an old visa in my passport, and I was wish Ashley, who's a dual citizen (surprise! apparently Ashley was with me the whole time).

Friday, July 22, 2011


Dreamt last night that I had been in some sort of traumatizing car accident (that I walked away from unscathed) but involved a piece of the car hitting boxes of gunpowder stacked on the side of the road (of course, why not?) and exploding. I was visiting one of the other accident survivors, and hiding from her 3 siblings. They found me anyway - I pretended I had been sleeping - and then the 5 of us started loading up these boxes with junk around the house to take to the dump. While we were doing this, someone started trying to break into the house. I ran upstairs to call the police but the 911 operator lacked any sense of urgency, and time was kind of of the essence. It turned out that the 911 operators were having their Christmas party, complete with snow in the 40 degree office. The fire department got there in time to deter the would-be burglars, but I was convinced they'd be back. By this time in the dream, the almost burgled house I was in was my own, and after the imminent threat had subsided, I went out front and dad was there with his jumbo new car. Like, really jumbo - climb in with a ladder, seats 300 and has a tennis court inside of it. I climbed through a small opening and over all of these people in seats to find Jen. I talked to Michele H. for a minute, asking her how she was etc., but she kept answering a question I was asking (ie: "how are you?" "thanks! I think so too"). Around this point I started freaking out at the idea of all of these people trying to exit the car-theater through that same small opening and looked for another exit. I found a HUGE double-doored entrance, and figured that maybe that's what I should have been using anyway. I walked out and was at some beach level resort - a setting similar to the Beachcomber in Fiji but not as picturesque. I was there with some man (who I think was a combo of Dan S. and Tobias Funke, believe it or not) that apparently I was trying to convince that I REALLY DID want to marry him, even though I didn't. He kept telling me that Rich was trying to get my attention (literally, not figuratively) but I refused to turn around because I knew if I did, it'd be over. I followed guy 1 for a walk by the water but one of my shoes (white moccasins) came off and started floating away. I jumped in in my clothes and let the tide take me back and forth, figuring that my shoe was probably on the same trajectory. There were a ton of other people in the water, including some scuba divers, so I let them all know what I was looking for. The water was super murky and I was losing hope when my shoe actually found me - something kept hitting my foot and when I went to pull it off - waaalaa! From there I went to use the restroom and for whatever reason had to CLIMB over the corner table where a nice middle aged woman was drinking wine.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was with this baby who ate some sort of plastic and started throwing up. I grabbed her and carried her to the bathtub and held her while she puked (I know this sounds so gross but in my dream it was the only thing to be done for the poor thing). The baby was all kinds of wet and slippery and I was having a really hard time holding onto her and keeping her from hitting her head. During the struggle my phone fell out of my pocket and got all wet, so afterward, Jimmy took his apart so I could see what the inside looked like and let it dry out. Also in this dream I was looking for a Tupperware container big enough to fit all of my Twizzler Pull 'n Peels.

At some point this week I dreamt that I was at the beach and this gorgeous dog came bounding at me and I loved it so much I took it home. I arrived at my house the same time Bobby got there with the baby. Realizing later that someone probably really loved this dog, I posted all of these "FOUND" posters and waited for a call. It did come, but the person lived in Jersey and couldn't get there until the next day, so I set the dog up in the shed, like a dog house.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

failed attempts

Dreamt last night that I was seeing a movie with Rich and he insisted on sitting with a seat in between us. Gwen's name flashed up during the beginning credits, and I spent the rest of the movie trying to text her to congratulate her, only to find that too difficult and start making giant construction paper cards. I kept spelling things wrong on them, and eventually just left all my sad attempts under the seat.

From there we were back "home", which I think was supposed to be the house in Hawaii. There were a whole bunch of people there and everyone was showering in one bathroom, while I tried to fix the faucet in the other, which had cracked and wouldn't turn off. While trying to fix it, I succeeded in cracking the whole sink and somehow ripping my nose ring out. I had this long straw-like contraption to try to put it back in, but to no avail. I went to ask Rich to throw my phone up to me (I was on a high, wooden lanai) so I could call the landlord about the sink. He tried to throw it to Tony but was waaaayyyy off, but miraculously stuck to my hand. I then realized that I had taken the number out of my phone (I very recently deleted my Boston landlords number) and went searching for correspondence. Inside the oven, I found a stack of letters with typos that Rich was sending out to dispute some charges.

At some point last night I also dreamt that I was on a crowded playground overlooking the ocean, when someone pointed out that the clouds looked really strange. When we all went to look we realized that there was a floating city in the clouds, and it was going to hit us. We all braced for impact, but the city passed right under us. Just as we thought we were safe, the ground we were on tilted wildly to the left, and then the right... it gets kinda fuzzy from there.

Two nights ago, the 17th, I dreamt that I was returning to my dorm with Erin, Linds, and Jax. It was raining, or we were running late, something that was making us hurry, and someone remembered that you could pass through adjoining dorms by using the "elevator" trick. We tried to get all four of us on one elevator without letting anyone else on, which proved quite difficult. We needed to get the elevator to the top floor with just the four of us on it, and then have it crash to the bottom (which incidentally was a pool) and we'd somehow end up in our own dorm. These elevators, by the way, were small dressing rooms and octagonal. We succeeded in dropping the elevator to the bottom, but had not moved buildings. We got out and decided to walk because this was more trouble that it was worth, when the police swarmed in - apparently the elevator trick had been banned. We snuck away down the alley, and hoped that no one noticed.

I've also been dreaming a lot about Hawaii - one night this week I dreamt that I was jogging and I decided I wanted to go to Lanikai. In my head, it would be easy, since I had a car again (the Altima I drive in NY - didn't cross my dream brain that the car and I were in NY, and the beach was not). I wanted to run home really fast so that I could go, but of course, as is always the case in my dreams, I could barely move at all. I also dreamt that I ran into Aimee in the water in Waikiki - she was there with her mom for a long weekend to visit her beau. I was giving her suggestions of things to see and places to visit, but she kept telling me that they had only one more day and it was kind of planned already. It turned out that they were manning a table for a college fair or some other kind of recruiting for work.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Weird dream last night that Jen and I were exiting a room through a window as it filled up with water - but not in a panicked fashion, very calmly, as though this was normal and expected. We slipped through the window as the room completely filled, getting us and everyone on the other side soaked. From there, I was immediately supposed to give a presentation on the report Rich and I were assigned on dinosaurs. Since I wrote the report, and Rich loves an audience, I figured he'd present. However, when it was our turn, the teacher told us that there was a new girl in class, and she was going to present our report and share the grade so that she didn't feel left out. FURY!

Remembered another dream from the dark ages, this one I believe I had in San Diego:

I was walking through a nice suburb in Hawaii when it started getting really really dark, and I saw water spouts approaching. I tried to remind myself that they are relatively harmless, but they were getting reeeeally close, so I got on someone's front steps to hide out under their awning. They invited me inside to wait out their storm, so I watched through the window with their kids, and was really surprised to see my former CEO and Hawaii's current Lt. Governor pull up to the house across the street.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Last night I dreamt that I was staying at Erin's apartment in LA with Jennifer, Lindsey, and some others. My cousin Eric was living in Cali, so I invited him for the weekend. He in turn invited his brother, who invited his band, and things got really cramped, really fast. The first morning everyone woke up, I tried to meet Erin at work to explain things. Jen and I took this moped/cozy coupe/wagon thing that was automatic, but reeeeaally slow, to find the blood bank. By the time we got there, Erin had left, and we got really lost trying to get back to her apartment. We had to take this teeny tiny sidewalk through an overpass that had a tree growing through it, so we had to lift the cozy coupe/wagon around it. We ended up ABOVE Erin's street, with the only obvious passage down to it through a pool staircase that we were not members of. I mapped out an alternate route, and there was one, but it was going to take us a damn long time in our wagonmonbile. We did eventually get there, after Jen ran into some people she knew from school, and I went to shower at E's, but people kept walking in and I couldn't get any privacy. One of the many guests had conveniently brought a shower curtain along, but once we got it hung we learned that she had actually brought it for a Halloween themed booth she was setting up for a festival.

in between dreams

No excuses, here's what I wrote down or remember:

6/7 (SD):
  • Rich takes a math final with a caterpillar in his hair
  • Battling for a parking spot with Tishken's friend Nicole
  • Red truck slamming into the neighbors driveway
  • Competing in a swim competition with some old professor that we all loved - Jess and Whitney refused to participate so it was just the two of us in a relay race. I went to change into a more race suitable bathing suit and try to find my goggles. I remember that I gave them to Pear before I moved (fact) so I went next door to get them from Keli'i's room. Steph P. was sleeping there, and asked me for yesterday's mail. A huge crowd showed up at the race, which we ended up finishing in 8th place. Kate Bosworth and Kristen Bell won, and immediately called Jay Dow to tell him.
Another SD dream entailed driving a school bus with Paul through winding hilly roads in Honolulu to get to work.

More recently, I dreamed that I was with a whole bunch of people and we were collecting bats from this floating island under a freeway ramp. The only way to get to the island was through a (clean) sewer tunnel type thing. People started climbing in, including Jen, when the tunnel started disconnecting. I was next to get in so I reached out to grab the last dude in there. I started sliding in, but then Lienne pulled us both out.

6/21 (NY) I dreamt that it was Halloween, and I needed red shoes to be either Sandy from Grease, or Daphne from Scooby Doo, so I went with Jen, Lienne and Steph to scour a DSW after we picked Zach up from the beach.

7/10 (NY) Dreamt that I was wandering some college town/campus that I was to live in and met the sweetest little boy who took an instant liking to me. His mother came over and told me that he was actually 11 but suffered some kind of disability so that he acted and appeared to be 3. I offered to lend a hand and ended up babysitting 6 days a week.

Monday, May 16, 2011

modes of transportation

Had a weird dream last night about trying to sneak out of this square, 4-story building with a courtyard (even in the dream I likened it to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum). I was with a group of people and none of us were allowed to or even wanted to be in there, but for some reason we would march in and then have to sneak out.

Also dreamt that I got off a subway or some kind of transit with Max. It was raining and for whatever reason I was convinced that he'd be driving me home, but he got on a boat and told me I was on my own. I was furious because by then, I'd missed the 1 bus.

Then I was in JDow's jewelery store (doesn't exist, but he is an awesome jeweler - with Jennifer and I wanted to try on a ring. I asked the girl that worked there and she kept ignoring me, then finally handed me a different ring to try on. When I tried to find the original ring that I wanted, it was gone. I confronted the girl about it and she was being a real bitch, so I called JDow to come down and straighten things out. Turns out that this jewelery store was on a plane, and we ended up crashing into the ocean. No one was hurt, but it was COLD. We were floating around, trying to balance on these rafts while helicopters circled overhead. People tried to wave them down and I kept telling them to stop flailing, its dark out, they're not going to see you waving, they'll either see us or they won't. Turns out that they did, and we were saved, just as JDow pulled up on his motorcycle.

A couple of nights, ago, I can't remember exactly when, I dreamt that Rich and I were taking Kim and Jimmy on a tour of the island. We were up north watching the whales, when a tidal wave came in. We scrambled over this No Trespassing fence and up a hill to keep from drowning. At the top of the hill was a little ski town, with a shopping mall. Inside the mall, I ran into Lienne and Stephanie buying ice cream.

Friday, May 6, 2011

all of the lights

Dreamt last night that I was walking at the base of Diamondhead with Rich and Danny, trying to get the best view up to the top between the houses that are built at the bottom. As I framed my shot, Diamonhead lit up from all these little points of light. Apparently, some sort of "earth hour" event had been planned, but instead of turning out all the lights, people were supposed to take small mirrors to their favorite landmark and reflect the light at sunset.

From there, I dreamt that Rich and I were in our bedroom, when he reached up and snatched a moth/cockroach out of the air and bit its head off, because apparently they were nutritious. (I suspect I dreamt this because before bed, Danny killed a cockroach with his hand).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Two nights ago I dreamt that I couldn't remember what the house on Halekoa looked like. I was at the bottom of the hill, and I'd forgotten something, and had to walk all the way back up, but when I got there, I didn't know which house was mine. Also dreamt that I was in the passenger seat going to dinner with someone when then decided to put on their make-up, and I had to try to steer the car around a roller coaster track with one hand. When we got to dinner, which was at a super fancy restaurant in a hotel, it ended up being my anniversary dinner with Rich, that we had to eat with these 3 goth kids.

Then last night, I dreamt that I was at my wedding rehearsal - there was no groom, and whatever I imagined came to be (so for example, I imagined up my bouquet, and there it was). Miguel Prado and his brother (yes, from Dexter) were there, and for some reason, his brother was really mad at me, though I don't recall why that was.

Monday, May 2, 2011

weekend updates

  • dreamt that I was in a multi-level house, taking picture of the gorgeous indoor pool in their living room. Behind me was a staircase to a shopping mall, and Finn came out of nowhere, stole my Aloha from Hawaii tote bag and hid it from me. I was furious because I wasn't able to leave and do any of the things I needed to do.
  • dreamt that I was in a pool behind what seemed like an Arizona-ish hotel. There was a swim up bar on one side and a tall wall that stepped up to another level of pool on the other. Someone handed me their infant to hold, and for some reason, I couldn't support the baby and we both sunk in the pool. I couldn't get to the surface, so it's parent came down and took the baby back and was SO ANGRY with me, even though I tried to explain that I literally couldn't help it.
  • dreamt that I was in Boston, trying to run to Fenway from Downtown Crossing in my rain boots. I took the bus from Boston to New York in the snow. Mom answered the door when I got there and was very surprised to see me. She asked me where the Altima was, and I realized that I had had it up at school and forgotten about it. I lied and said I had to go back later in the week anyway, and I would drive it home then. She told me how we had gotten new neighbors to replace the crazies that bought Rich's house years ago, but these guys were even crazier. I looked out back where Dad was grilling and pulling troll dolls out of the snow. He yelled to the neighbor to have his kids stop burying trolls in our yard, so the neighbor came over to talk it out. Instead of addressing the matter at hand, he picked up the steak off the grill and took an enormous bite out of it.
Last night I dreamt that I was in the bathroom at home in NY, and two of the women from work barged in with my mom and started measuring things. When I asked what the hell they were doing, they explained that they were going to widen Dad's bathroom into this one so that they could change Dad's bathroom into the psychiatrists office (if you are familiar with my real life work, you know how horrified I was to hear this news). Also dreamt that I was running late for class, but before I left I had to get all of my belongings (which consisted of mine and Rich's laundry baskets) back into my locker. Obviously easier said than done, and I was not on time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

it all makes sense, really

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was shopping and I bought this childish, funky, hot pink watch. I thought it was cheeky and I figured it'd be cheap, so I didn't even look at the price before I charged it. Walking away, I realized that I had just spend $85 on a plastic watch. Definitely returning that bad boy. I got to the top of this flight of stairs in what felt like an outdoor mall. In front of me was a short, wide waterslide that you had to raft down in an inflatable baby pool, into a larger pool. As I was rafting/sliding I saw Nikki G., still pregnant (or pregnant again?) and got all excited. Once I landed and gave Nikki big hugs, I realized that the pool we were in had not been filled before, and all of our stuff was in it and now underwater. I couldn't imagine how I'd find anything since I can't open my eyes under water (contacts) but knew I had to try since all of our phones/cameras etc were under there. I dove under and to my surprise, I could see under water! With contacts on! Joy! I found our stuff and brought it up and found that everything was more or less ok, since between noticing the water and retrieving our items had been a relatively short time (sort of like a cartoon - since I hadn't NOTICED it was underwater, it hadn't mattered). I resolved to dry things out in rice, and that was that.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

pool crashing

Last night I dreamt that Rich and I were trying to sneak into the infinity pool at the Sheraton, but could not because we didn't have wristbands. We left in defeat and as we were walking away noticed that these small, bean sprout looking animals were attaching themselves to us. Turns out, they were baby snakes, and they cause no harm, but man, were they gross.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ooops! Slacked off - so many good dreams lost forever! Here are some snippets I've scrawled down to remember:

  • I was watching a film crew clear a dirt road in the mountains to film for LOST, and I got really excited and then confused because I remembered that LOST has long been done filming.
  • Rich and I were touring a chocolate factory and/or brewery, and tried to re-enter because we'd missed the label making part of the tour. I guess re-entry was not allowed, and we got kicked out. We got in the car to drive away but couldn't, because the parking garage had turned into the back of a Pizza Hut, and the car wouldn't fit through any of the conveyor belt exits.
  • I was on vacation with the Dworkin's in some small, cute town trying to take photos, but I couldn't frame anything right from the sidewalk and needed to do so from the middle of the street.
  • I couldn't open my locker to get my stuff because I realized I had no idea what the combination was. Luckily, my windbreaker and brown bag covered text book had mysteriously fallen into the unlocked locker directly below.
  • Brian H./ Ed Helms bar tending in a suit.
  • I missed Jen's graduation party, even though I was in NY for it, mostly because I was being a huge pain in the ass.
More recently...

I dreamt that I was in Las Vegas with Steve and was shocked at what a shithole it was. We decided to go back to the hotel room to get ready for dinner, but the elevator/ladder we were in started sinking in rainbow paint (I wish I could explain this better, the image is so clear in my mind). I was on top on the ladder and Steve was furious because my trying to climb up I was pushing him further down.

Last night, I dreamt that I was crossing Kilauea Ave with one of my interns, carrying a 12pack of Coke. I raced across to beat some cars, but was stopped in the middle by a median of bushes. When we both got to the other side, there was a cheap gas station I'd never noticed before ($3.13 a gallon), a small Thai place, and an artist's warehouse where he kept all of his artwork for Angry Birds. We met up with another intern (both of whom are Mormon) and one of their friends, and I felt extremely uncomfortable when they started discussing religion (by this time, my case of soda was a box of friend chicken). I also remember riding my bike around and thinking that the hills weren't as bad as I remembered, and bike + bus was a totally viable way to get to and from work. Rich bought me these three stackable rings for my pinkie finger, but I lost one almost immediately and spent a really long time looking through my laundry basket to find it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

wedding guests

Really weird one last night...

I dreamt I was on a couch with Nate, Sahara and Danny watching TV, when the house started spinning and the couch slid out into the street. Apparently this was relatively normal, but the couch spun really hard and fast, and I started falling off and was about to fall off the couch and over the side of the road (naturally, we were on a cliff) when Nate grabbed me and pulled me back up. Rich came home and we were explaining to him what had happened while I looked through our hall closet in Seaford for the Trivial Pursuit box so I could put the game away. While I was up there I found all our old Christmas ornaments, I specifically remember the Barbies.

From there I was walking through a hotel restaurant/bar area with mystery friends when we ran into Kim Kardashian in a wedding dress with Kris Humphreys. Apparently they had just gotten hitched. I told her I was a huge fan and super happy for her, and they invited us to join them for dinner. I wondered where the rest of the family was, but Kim explained that this had been last minute and everyone had other obligations; so they had made it for the ceremony but couldn't stay for dinner so it would be just us and them.

Monday, April 4, 2011


highlights since Friday night:
  • dreamt that I was moving into Jackie and Lindsey's freshman year dorm with them, and I was really upset to have to take the top bunk;
  • dreamt about escorting a mental health patient back to his living arrangements, which was this massive home at the end of a boardwalk;
  • dreamt that one of the middle-aged interns from work lived in the house Rich used to live in in Seaford, and the police and fire department came because a criminal had tried to set her garage on fire. She had a teenage daughter that refused to go to school because she didn't have a ride, so I offered todrive her to and from school... everyday. The next day I was picking up shells and sea glass from the beach - already made into jewelery - when I realized that I was late to take her to school. I tried to throw everything into my tote bag, but I couldn't find any of my things. Around then I realized I must be dreaming.

Friday, April 1, 2011

to the sea

Last night's dream was all over the place. First (or maybe second...?) I was in the ocean, when these enormous sets started coming in. There was a surf coach out there and he was yelling how deep we had to dive under the wave to not get slammed. I kept my eyes open under water so I'd have a good Clark Little view of the inside of a wave, and watched some guy in a college t-shirt narrowly avoid getting sucked out to see. After escaping near death (by remembering a time we'd been there in a raft while the ocean was calm), we all headed over to Bogart's, which was about to close for the day. The shop was all dirty and run down, and being run by a small Chinese woman who was making shrimp dumplings to try out in the store. She gave me one and I loved it, then offered one to my non-shrimp eating mystery companion, who turned it down. I asked if I could have it instead, and she told me I'd have to pay for a second one. From there I left to get ready for a New Year's cheerleading competition, in which I was a flyer. It gets real fuzzy here, but I'm pretty sure Jill G. was there.

Afterwards (or maybe before) I was running around this hotel getting ready for some kind of special event. There was a shower that took up the span of an entire room, but had no walls (?) so I hopped in and tried not to let my hair get frizzy. I left there and got dressed and continued on, only to get swept up by some handsome man at a wedding that I was most definitely not invited to.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

earrings, again?

Dreamt last night that Jen and I were flying somewhere, and we thought we had plenty of time before our flight so we were browsing all these airport shops. We were admiring this display of turquoise and red earrings in all sorts of funky shapes (I specifically remember bows) when I realized that our flight was boarding three minutes ago. We must have been flying to Florida because I remember comparing the length of that flight to one to SoCal.

Also dreamt that I was watching something on tv at a bar (I think it was baseball). Olivia Wilde was there in a sweatsuit that somehow superimposed her name onto the word "Mother". What are those things you make as a kid where a word goes down the side and you use the letters to make other words? Like this:


She also had what I think was Khloe Kardashian's "LO" tattoo on her cheekbone. So weird.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

batter up

Dreamt last night about ordering dinner at a fancy seafood place. Rich and I split something on the chef's recommendation; mom and dad ordered a giant, $445 fish.

Went from there to field level seats at the first Sox-Yankees game of the season. Steve was there, and kept tossing Jen and I baseballs during batting practice. Morphed into a game I was playing, I was at the plate with a pipe, and the pitcher was Sam C. from high school.

Also kept trying to leave an apartment to make it to a movie on time, but kept setting off the alarm.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Guest stars

Thursday night I dreamt I was at a department store jewelry counter with Danny and Sahara. Sahara was trying on these earrings that had all the funky beads on a string that you could pull to adjust the length of. Chris B. turned up with this really skinny girl named William. Instinctively, I got in the car with them and drove a block before I realized I had no intention of leaving. When I got out, I accidentally slammed the door on William, who was climbing into the now vacated passenger seat.

Friday I was in some kind of ferris wheel/elevator with a door that you could open with a crank. I was with E and Ryan, and we spotted Barnaby, so we cranked it open to have him join us. There was a great view, though now I can't remember what it was of.

Last night I had a dream that I went to get some kind of free TB test, but they would not administer it to me because of my 516 phone number. I left in a huff, and was chased by some sort of corrupt law enforcement/security guard. I was running through alleys, and kiding behind pillars, and trying not to cast shadows anywhere.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Last night, I dreamt that I was attending a Legislative Session with Scott (in what felt like a conference room at a hotel) when I remembered that I was flying to Oregon to meet Whitney for her holiday party. I grabbed up as much stuff as I could and was en route to the airport (who was driving me?! I knew them in the dream) when I got a voicemail from Whit asking me to meet her at JFK at 8am. It was well past 8, and I was flying from Logan (of course). I called her in a panic to make sure that she had books my flights from Boston, not with her from New York. She was clearly drunk already, and said that she had. There was chapstick, and a grocery store.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dreamt I was competing in a home-grown Chopped competition at some cooking school. Secret ingredients were:

  • shredded mozzerella
  • "grape leaves" which looked an awful lot like passionfruit, except when I cut it open it was filled with white cream. HORROR, until someone explained that that's how grape leaves grow -- prestuffed.
  • Chocolate
  • Veggie straws
I only had time to dream the first round, but I made some kind of chocolate covered things, and then I distinctly remember making homemade whipped cream and throwing the cheese inside it. Victor Garber from Titanic was there to watch.

Also dreamt that I was being rowed in a boat into this gorgeous iron cuppola type thing as it flooded. I can attribute this to watching "The Tourist" last night (terrible, don't do it) and this picture, taken by one Jackie Cadrin.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Snippets from the past few nights...

Found a whole mess of bats/moths (can't be sure which) hanging from my ceiling. I whistled at them, and one by one they kamikaze dive bombed to the ground and killed themselves. Had to figure out who best to sweep up and clean 40 mothbats from the ground.

Was in the car with Jami when we noticed tons and tons of humpback whales, right off the coast. We drove to get a closer look, but the tide came way up onto the ramp we were on and started flooding the car. The whales were swimming immediately next to us and up the ramp, which is when we noticed that they weren't actually whales, but people in whale suits.

Dreamt again about trying on jeans, this time successfully found some that were supposedly very expensive, but as I pointed out in my dream they were a. less expensive than Abercrombie jeans, and b. made of actual denim.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Vaguely remember dreaming about getting cocktails with Jess, Cait, Whit and Melissa, and gawking over the prices.

double dose

I fell asleep on the couch last night while Nate watched Robin Hood (the one with Russel Crowe) and had a strange dream about trying to quiet a basement full or rowdy dudes by turning off the TV and assuming they'd settle. I went up to take a shower (this was apparently a house that I lived in), but the bathroom had a clear shower door as a main door. I hung my towel on it, juuuust in case turning off the TV wasn't effective. Guess what! It wasn't. I was halfway through my shower when I got a terrible feeling about the way I'd left things, so I left, mid-shampoo, to warn my parents only to hear an angry mob getting all riled up downstairs. I woke them up and exited the room to find a bunch of elementary aged kids with bats, trying to fight me. Luckily, once the mob realized that there were kids involved, they called the whole thing off.

When I finally went to sleep (as in, in bed) I had a dream where I was on some campus with Erin, using the always empty, always clean bathroom in the basement of a house that for some reason was always left unlocked. The rest of the dream is super fuzzy, but involved us trying to defeat some alien/monster in a supermarket. We did eventually win, and man, did it make a mess.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Dreamt that I was going to be a guest star on LOST. I reported to the lookout over Diamondhead beach, as instructed, and found what can only be described as a sound water slide, made solely out of circling water, sort of like a water tornado I was supposed to jump in and slide down to the beach in. I jumped in, but I guess I jumped to hard because I fell right out of it onto the sand waaay below. I climbed up and tried again, and this time it caught hold. Jen came down behind me, with a bit more finesse after watching me take a tumble. Down at beach level, there were all these sailboats aligned relay style to take us to where the show was being filmed. We sat in an inner tube tied behind the boat and sailed over to this floating green house being used as a staging area. It didn't look like anything from the outside, but inside there were rooms upon rooms and skylights that opened into other rooms. There were tons of people living there; stars of the show, people from here, people from home - it was like camp. Last I can remember, I was getting prepped for my silver screen debut.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

when the moon hits your eye

Sunday night I dreamt that Umberto's was being featured on TV, so the restaurant had a viewing party to celebrate. There were buckets of meatballs, chicken cutlets, and sauce set up with baskets of italian bread, so everyone could make their own sandwiches. UHHHmazing. Sadly my alarm went off just as I finished assembling my meatball sandwich. Mom was also in this dream teaching someone the hand jive.

Last night I dreamt about driving to a water park, where I was crowned beach Queen and given a free Roxy towel. Thanks? Jennifer and Venee were there, and we were most definitely running late for something after spending a lot of time looking for a bathroom in a supermarket.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last night started with me trying to hide from Jennifer, who was some sort of evil spy, in a giant mall/hotel. I rode the elevators around so she wouldn't know what floor I was on, then grabbed a whole bunch of dresses (weird, multi-patterned ones) to take into the dressing room with me in the hopes of blending in. I was undressing because I could see that Jen was going from dressing room to dressing room, peeking under the door at feet, and I wanted my feet to look like everyone else's. She found me anyway, because she was peeking through the cracks in the doors, and recognized my butt.

Phase two: Rich and I were sailing to Tahiti, but not on a boat, on a giant wooden square, kind of like a dock. We decided to go on a whim and were completely not prepared, but fortunately, Hulilau was there and was able to help us get our floating raft/dock through the surf and out to open sea. Once we got there, I realized a lot of our friends were aboard, and that while the raft/dock had a linen closet, it did not have a bathroom (though at first I thought that a white office chair in the corner was a toilet, only to be really disappointed later). We docked at a very inhabited island on the way to let everyone use the facilities while there still were some. There was a sea wall to the right, and beyond it was a shallow continental shelf under water. Rich and Leo and others went to go explore, and as I was watching them an enormous blowhole opened up and sucked Leo in. We were horribly panicked until it spit her back out a few minutes later, all in one piece. Then Rich got caught in the current and was struggling to stay out of it. Sahara tried to convince me not to jump in because there was nothing I could do, but I went for it and pulled him out.

And then something about holding Nikki G's baby.

Monday, February 28, 2011

pogs and onions

Last night, I dreamt I was hopping a shuttle/train to get somewhere just in the nick of time. Since I was running late, I figured I'd buy my fare on the train. Snoop Dogg was collecting, and would not accept my $2 because, like an airline attendant, he could not take cash. He instructed me to go to the ticket window and purchase a pass, which was pretty much a stack of 15 pogs strung on a shoelace. Ok, FINE, Snoop Dogg. I waited online forever, and when I finally got to the ticket window, the girl behind it told me that since the shuttle was about to leave, and I was in the 10 minute window, I'd have to pay more. I was furious, but what could I do? I ran back to the train where I had left my wallet, got the additional $3.60 for the "last minute fare" (more than DOUBLE, totally bogus) and tried to return to the cashier who knew I was about to miss this train. She rudely told me I'd have to wait in line again. In danger of missing this train, being late, and losing all my stuff, I started throwing a fit. Then mom appeared and slammed the cashier window open, drawing the attention of everyone in a 30 foot radius of us. Humiliating. We did eventually get me admission to the shuttle, but instead of being shoelaced pogs like the regular fare, last minute fair was two strands of raw onion. Snoop Dogg happily accepted these and we took our seats next to Jen in what was now an ENORMOUS ampitheatre, where we were attending an awards show.

Also, something about Aimee on Big Island.

Friday, February 25, 2011

triple booked

Last night I dreamt that I had accidentally made an appointment with Denise for a haircut in the middle of my yoga class. I didn't realize until 15 minutes before yoga, so it was too late to cancel and not forfeit the cost of the class. I wanted to cancel the hair appointment, but Dad guilted me into keeping it, since Denise has always been so good to us. I figured maybe I could do both, since the yoga studio was located right above the haircut place. Around this time, I remembered I was also supposed to look for new jeans, so I had the clothing store next to the yoga studio lend me a pair of pants to try on my own time, and figured I would somehow squeeze that in. Great plan, except Denise's studio had moved... just down the block, but too far to make running there during yoga seem reasonable (even though I had already planned to have her cut my hair dry and not bother washing it or blowing it out). Instead, I tried on the pants in the middle of yoga... they were quite large and came up well above my belly button. Ridiculous.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

proper attire

Spent the weekend on the Big Island, sleeping like a baby, and can't really remember much of my dreams. I do know at one point, I dreamt I played "thegog" in a game of Scrabble. "Thegog" is most definitely not a word.

Two nights ago I dreamt I was at keg party, and Tommy was there, but he was like 8 ft tall... just towering over everyone.

Last night, I dreamt it was my first day back at Umberto's, so I raided Jen's closet for a shirt. I was debating whether to wear my black Diesel sneakers or my black Puma's, when Jennifer came in and informed me that the dress code had changed, because Gio wanted the place to seem more upscale. New attire was collared white shirt, under a black tee, under an Umberto's shirt. I was enraged; how could I be expected to wear THREE SHIRTS while standing in front of a 500 degree oven all night?!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sunday I dreamt that I was attending some sort of Halloween/costume party, hosted by Kim D. I got dressed in a 50's sock-hop outfit in Dad's workshop. The party ended up being held in an elementary school, so all of the bathroom fixtures and appliances were really small and low to the ground.

Last night's dream is pretty hazy; I remember Chris B. and his lady, Fiona, dropping me off at the grocery store where I bought Pomegranate ice-pops. I forgot that I had to walk home, and they were melting all over the place. I came to another supermarket where I stopped to call Mom and see if she could come get me. She wasn't answering her cell, but then I spotted her walking around the store doing her own shopping, which was awesome because she was there, but not great because the ice-pops were mush by the time she was done. Also have a vague memory of climbing a grassy hill in a suburb... it was a normal street except the street was missing and there was only lawn. There were people there with me, though I can't remember who.

O! Friday's dream! Involved time travel/teleportation... I was in a dentist-type chair getting hooked up to all these electrodes to travel to where Rich and all my friends were. Apparently it wasn't as easy as just connecting to technology... it required a certain state of mind as well. Despite my best efforts and claims that I'd done this before (in a horizontal "Rep Payee" elevator with Gina), I could not travel to wherever everyone else was. I got really angry at Rich (in my garage in New York) for not waiting for me to go first to make sure I could join, because he knows how I hate to get left out of things.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


dreamt I was leaving Hawaii and I was devastated at the thought of never coming back here. Dreamt about a girl riding her bicycle across our lawn on Shaw Place, and needing help lifting it over the fence in the back corner. I dreamt I tried to open our shed to get my own bicycle out, but couldn't remember the order of the numbers for the combination. Took the polish off my toes only to remember I had JUST gotten that pedicure. There was a group of people trying to simultaneously sabotage and save a ship.

Monday, February 7, 2011

unemployed talk show host

Last night I dreamt that I was Conan O'Brien's assistant. He comped my manicure (color was a light pink called "Piglet") by explaining to our hotel concierge that it was for my mom, then we picked up a neck tie that his girlfriend had thought was one forever. After we delivered the tie to his lady (who was a young 20 something Asian girl), Conan told me that he wanted to quit his show and stay with her forever making babies. I encouraged him to do whatever he wanted, so he quit, and all the other talk show hosts were furious at me.

Also dreamt something about driving through the woods on this elaborate highway with Keli'i in order to get to a very, very small airport, with very small seaplanes. We were given those plastic entry bracelets that we'd have to wear until our return trip instead of tickets, and I was freaking out because a. I hate them and b. mine had hair stuck in it that I couldn't get out and it was tickling me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Two nights in a row, I've dreamt about packing.

The first night I was with Jackie/Ryan (it kept switching) and they were trying to convince me to pack their snorkel gear in my suitcase, which I reeeeeally didn't want to do. Then last night I dreamt that Rich and I were leaving for a weekend trip, and I hadn't packed at all. I was throwing random things into a backpack and panicking that I was going to miss the trip because I hadn't gotten to my toiletries yet. Then suddenly it was my mom I was traveling with, and our flight from here to Maui had been delayed a day because of snow, so we went shopping.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Network Connectivity Problems

More reasons to not make an appointment at 8:15am... you will stress about it the night before. I dreamt that I couldn't print the paperwork I needed to conduct orientation this morning, because I always printed from Keli'i's computer, which she had moved into her bedroom making it inaccessible to me at work. Since Chris had forgotten something at home, we decided to go back and get what we needed. He brought me to my house in New York where I frantically tried to print my documents and change my outfit at the same time. I eventually realized that I didn't have access to the network from home (duh) and gave up. I went outside to find Mom lining up all the bikes we have ever owned for a "bike sale". I hopped in the car just as Dad pulled in in the police car.

We headed to Chris' house, which was conveniently right down the block, and he asked me why I was sitting in the back seat. I had no good answer for that. We got to his house and he ran inside, and I met his mom in the driveway. She gave me an uncomfortably long hug/snuggle and then we left, again, with me in the back seat. From Chris' house we ended up picking Jennifer up at Jim's, and Chris offered to drive her home, even though by now we were very late for work. On the way, Jen informed me that she'd be moving to Bianca, a small town in Washington state, because it was an important stop on the shipping route to New Orleans.

Vague memories of a luge, and Kala, who had recovered from his cancer and somehow reverted back into a puppy (o, how I wish!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I scream, you scream

Had two different dreams last night about eating ice cream. The first I was killing time at a mall or something and I stopped in Hagen Daaz for an ice cream and a coffee. The second I ran out with co-workers and ended up at an ice cream/bread stand without my wallet, so someone had to buy my ice cream for me. While I was eating the second ice cream, someone bought a round of car bombs, which I usually HATE because I can't get them down fast enough to prevent curdling, but I successfully took this one (made a mess though). Then Michele H. came over and told me about a terrible bar experience she'd had the night before, featuring high dives, graffitied pools, and a general sense of creepiness.

That's all that I can remember for now, hopefully more will come back to me. It was a real struggle waking up this morning, I seem to have lost a lot of detail in the transition!

whale of a tale or two

Had another dream about whale watching... this time I was standing on some sort of lanai, I think in a hotel, watching whales jump up and splash back into the ocean. There were tons of them, probably 30+ in a pod, all jumping and splashing. Soon I realized that they weren't small because they were far away, they were small because they were high up, and they were about to land in the water directly in front of me. Cue: tidal wave. As always, all ends well after the water receded except this small group of people decided to jump into a tank type thing that was rapidly filling with water. They were going to die in there, unless I somehow garnered enough attention and enough people noticed that they were on a suicide mission. A thankless task, let me tell you.

I also remember swimming in a sandy-bottom, shallow, hotel pool, and climbing the ceiling decorations in a graffiti-ed old theater.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Dreamt that it was after midnight New Years Eve, and I was sleeping in a kind-sized bed with Jen, Lienne and Steph. I woke up really early to and was shopping in the adjoining mall when I realized that it was past time to check out. I tried to get back to the room, but all of the elevators were single serve and it was taking forever, so I ran up this rickety flight of steel, crumbling stairs. When I got to the room, I found that Jen and Steph had used my glasses to make faces out of boots, and they were broken. I was super angry, but I didn't have time to deal with them because I had to go to Rachie's in California for a buffet dinner, which I was driving to, from Hawaii, though I parallel parked on the wrong side of the road in front of Anna's house, where her mom was walking her dog.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

double dose

Two nights ago, I dreamt about an AWESOME whale watch tour that has you on this flying/floating couch in the middle of the ocean, where whales literally take flight. I was trying to convince Jessica, Caitlin and Whitney that we should book it, but Whitney was a hard sell.

Then last night, among other weird things that I can't clarify, I was taking the 1 bus home to Halekoa. There were only a few other people on the bus, and they were all looking out the window at someone doing an amazing street performance. I realized it was Cassidy, so I jumped off to say hi. Tintle and Fed were there too, so I invited them back to the house, only to get distracted by TM's presence and his freshly cut hair (!).

Other dream snippets include Nicole G. feeling upset that her parents didn't come to her graduation, and a roomie evening for Erin and I ruined because our mystery third roommate had a date. And it was raining.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dreamt that we were having a wrestling tournament at my house in New York, all girls, teams of 5. I was wearing a sports bra and a beaded tank top, but couldn't figure out what bottoms would offer the most coverage and freedom. Accidentally drank a 5 hour energy belonging to another team, and was really worried that they'd be pissssssed. Woke up before the matches, slated to take place in my bedroom, began.

My dreams have been pretty fuzzy lately, I might be too well rested.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Holy, gross. Definitely dreamt about 5 people being sewn to each other, one on top of another, and being used as a welcome mat. Totally gross, thanks, Human Centipede for traumatizing me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night, I was waiting on-line at a drugstore behind the cast of the Jersey Shore. I was chatting with J-Woww when Snooki flew off the handle that I cut in line. I walked away and ran into Bruce P. in the parking lot so I joined him for lunch at a patio table. Inside, the restaurant something was banging and yelling - turns out it was a man killing a possum wearing sneakers. The possum was in sneakers, not the man (though I suppose he probably had something on his feet as well). Disgusted, I left and was delighted to find ample free parking in Waikiki. I decided I would park the car now, and bike home to pick up stuff before my mom and Jen arrived. Biking home proved to be quite difficult, however, because all the rain we've had lately had somehow freed the zoo animals, and there was a grazing rhinoceros in my way.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Last night, I was depositing a $300 check into a Spanish ATM. I was distraught because after fees and exchange rates, only $165 were deposited... then doubly distraught to discover I had deposited the money into someone elses account. I waited on an exceptionally long line to speak to a teller, only to discover that my Spanish isn't so good, and I could not effectively communicate what I was trying to say. Fortunately, this gave the teller an opportunity to test out the banks translating headset, which looked much like a Camelback backpack, but with a headset instead of straw. The teller was so pleased with how well it worked, that she was thoroughly distracted from the task at hand.

Fortunately, I made it home (wherever this home was supposed to be) in time to catch the sunset from a lanai-type room with lots of bunkbeds, and assorted people from assorted times of my life. The view offered was from the top of a crater, I'm guessing because Haleakala is on my mind. We were planning to head out for drinks, but I felt so tired (since I was, in all actuality, fast asleep) so all I could do was announce that I needed coffee. Dad to the rescue - he brewed a pot right up, just in time for my alarm to go off.

My dreams are notoriously detailed and very, very strange. I'd like to remember more of them, identify patterns if there are any, and finally know for sure whether I've dreamed things before or just think that I have. This is mostly for me, but if you're here, and you're reading, I hope you enjoy. Bet you make a cameo sometime soon ;)