Monday, April 4, 2011


highlights since Friday night:
  • dreamt that I was moving into Jackie and Lindsey's freshman year dorm with them, and I was really upset to have to take the top bunk;
  • dreamt about escorting a mental health patient back to his living arrangements, which was this massive home at the end of a boardwalk;
  • dreamt that one of the middle-aged interns from work lived in the house Rich used to live in in Seaford, and the police and fire department came because a criminal had tried to set her garage on fire. She had a teenage daughter that refused to go to school because she didn't have a ride, so I offered todrive her to and from school... everyday. The next day I was picking up shells and sea glass from the beach - already made into jewelery - when I realized that I was late to take her to school. I tried to throw everything into my tote bag, but I couldn't find any of my things. Around then I realized I must be dreaming.

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