Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ooops! Slacked off - so many good dreams lost forever! Here are some snippets I've scrawled down to remember:

  • I was watching a film crew clear a dirt road in the mountains to film for LOST, and I got really excited and then confused because I remembered that LOST has long been done filming.
  • Rich and I were touring a chocolate factory and/or brewery, and tried to re-enter because we'd missed the label making part of the tour. I guess re-entry was not allowed, and we got kicked out. We got in the car to drive away but couldn't, because the parking garage had turned into the back of a Pizza Hut, and the car wouldn't fit through any of the conveyor belt exits.
  • I was on vacation with the Dworkin's in some small, cute town trying to take photos, but I couldn't frame anything right from the sidewalk and needed to do so from the middle of the street.
  • I couldn't open my locker to get my stuff because I realized I had no idea what the combination was. Luckily, my windbreaker and brown bag covered text book had mysteriously fallen into the unlocked locker directly below.
  • Brian H./ Ed Helms bar tending in a suit.
  • I missed Jen's graduation party, even though I was in NY for it, mostly because I was being a huge pain in the ass.
More recently...

I dreamt that I was in Las Vegas with Steve and was shocked at what a shithole it was. We decided to go back to the hotel room to get ready for dinner, but the elevator/ladder we were in started sinking in rainbow paint (I wish I could explain this better, the image is so clear in my mind). I was on top on the ladder and Steve was furious because my trying to climb up I was pushing him further down.

Last night, I dreamt that I was crossing Kilauea Ave with one of my interns, carrying a 12pack of Coke. I raced across to beat some cars, but was stopped in the middle by a median of bushes. When we both got to the other side, there was a cheap gas station I'd never noticed before ($3.13 a gallon), a small Thai place, and an artist's warehouse where he kept all of his artwork for Angry Birds. We met up with another intern (both of whom are Mormon) and one of their friends, and I felt extremely uncomfortable when they started discussing religion (by this time, my case of soda was a box of friend chicken). I also remember riding my bike around and thinking that the hills weren't as bad as I remembered, and bike + bus was a totally viable way to get to and from work. Rich bought me these three stackable rings for my pinkie finger, but I lost one almost immediately and spent a really long time looking through my laundry basket to find it.

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