Monday, February 28, 2011

pogs and onions

Last night, I dreamt I was hopping a shuttle/train to get somewhere just in the nick of time. Since I was running late, I figured I'd buy my fare on the train. Snoop Dogg was collecting, and would not accept my $2 because, like an airline attendant, he could not take cash. He instructed me to go to the ticket window and purchase a pass, which was pretty much a stack of 15 pogs strung on a shoelace. Ok, FINE, Snoop Dogg. I waited online forever, and when I finally got to the ticket window, the girl behind it told me that since the shuttle was about to leave, and I was in the 10 minute window, I'd have to pay more. I was furious, but what could I do? I ran back to the train where I had left my wallet, got the additional $3.60 for the "last minute fare" (more than DOUBLE, totally bogus) and tried to return to the cashier who knew I was about to miss this train. She rudely told me I'd have to wait in line again. In danger of missing this train, being late, and losing all my stuff, I started throwing a fit. Then mom appeared and slammed the cashier window open, drawing the attention of everyone in a 30 foot radius of us. Humiliating. We did eventually get me admission to the shuttle, but instead of being shoelaced pogs like the regular fare, last minute fair was two strands of raw onion. Snoop Dogg happily accepted these and we took our seats next to Jen in what was now an ENORMOUS ampitheatre, where we were attending an awards show.

Also, something about Aimee on Big Island.

Friday, February 25, 2011

triple booked

Last night I dreamt that I had accidentally made an appointment with Denise for a haircut in the middle of my yoga class. I didn't realize until 15 minutes before yoga, so it was too late to cancel and not forfeit the cost of the class. I wanted to cancel the hair appointment, but Dad guilted me into keeping it, since Denise has always been so good to us. I figured maybe I could do both, since the yoga studio was located right above the haircut place. Around this time, I remembered I was also supposed to look for new jeans, so I had the clothing store next to the yoga studio lend me a pair of pants to try on my own time, and figured I would somehow squeeze that in. Great plan, except Denise's studio had moved... just down the block, but too far to make running there during yoga seem reasonable (even though I had already planned to have her cut my hair dry and not bother washing it or blowing it out). Instead, I tried on the pants in the middle of yoga... they were quite large and came up well above my belly button. Ridiculous.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

proper attire

Spent the weekend on the Big Island, sleeping like a baby, and can't really remember much of my dreams. I do know at one point, I dreamt I played "thegog" in a game of Scrabble. "Thegog" is most definitely not a word.

Two nights ago I dreamt I was at keg party, and Tommy was there, but he was like 8 ft tall... just towering over everyone.

Last night, I dreamt it was my first day back at Umberto's, so I raided Jen's closet for a shirt. I was debating whether to wear my black Diesel sneakers or my black Puma's, when Jennifer came in and informed me that the dress code had changed, because Gio wanted the place to seem more upscale. New attire was collared white shirt, under a black tee, under an Umberto's shirt. I was enraged; how could I be expected to wear THREE SHIRTS while standing in front of a 500 degree oven all night?!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sunday I dreamt that I was attending some sort of Halloween/costume party, hosted by Kim D. I got dressed in a 50's sock-hop outfit in Dad's workshop. The party ended up being held in an elementary school, so all of the bathroom fixtures and appliances were really small and low to the ground.

Last night's dream is pretty hazy; I remember Chris B. and his lady, Fiona, dropping me off at the grocery store where I bought Pomegranate ice-pops. I forgot that I had to walk home, and they were melting all over the place. I came to another supermarket where I stopped to call Mom and see if she could come get me. She wasn't answering her cell, but then I spotted her walking around the store doing her own shopping, which was awesome because she was there, but not great because the ice-pops were mush by the time she was done. Also have a vague memory of climbing a grassy hill in a suburb... it was a normal street except the street was missing and there was only lawn. There were people there with me, though I can't remember who.

O! Friday's dream! Involved time travel/teleportation... I was in a dentist-type chair getting hooked up to all these electrodes to travel to where Rich and all my friends were. Apparently it wasn't as easy as just connecting to technology... it required a certain state of mind as well. Despite my best efforts and claims that I'd done this before (in a horizontal "Rep Payee" elevator with Gina), I could not travel to wherever everyone else was. I got really angry at Rich (in my garage in New York) for not waiting for me to go first to make sure I could join, because he knows how I hate to get left out of things.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


dreamt I was leaving Hawaii and I was devastated at the thought of never coming back here. Dreamt about a girl riding her bicycle across our lawn on Shaw Place, and needing help lifting it over the fence in the back corner. I dreamt I tried to open our shed to get my own bicycle out, but couldn't remember the order of the numbers for the combination. Took the polish off my toes only to remember I had JUST gotten that pedicure. There was a group of people trying to simultaneously sabotage and save a ship.

Monday, February 7, 2011

unemployed talk show host

Last night I dreamt that I was Conan O'Brien's assistant. He comped my manicure (color was a light pink called "Piglet") by explaining to our hotel concierge that it was for my mom, then we picked up a neck tie that his girlfriend had thought was one forever. After we delivered the tie to his lady (who was a young 20 something Asian girl), Conan told me that he wanted to quit his show and stay with her forever making babies. I encouraged him to do whatever he wanted, so he quit, and all the other talk show hosts were furious at me.

Also dreamt something about driving through the woods on this elaborate highway with Keli'i in order to get to a very, very small airport, with very small seaplanes. We were given those plastic entry bracelets that we'd have to wear until our return trip instead of tickets, and I was freaking out because a. I hate them and b. mine had hair stuck in it that I couldn't get out and it was tickling me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Two nights in a row, I've dreamt about packing.

The first night I was with Jackie/Ryan (it kept switching) and they were trying to convince me to pack their snorkel gear in my suitcase, which I reeeeeally didn't want to do. Then last night I dreamt that Rich and I were leaving for a weekend trip, and I hadn't packed at all. I was throwing random things into a backpack and panicking that I was going to miss the trip because I hadn't gotten to my toiletries yet. Then suddenly it was my mom I was traveling with, and our flight from here to Maui had been delayed a day because of snow, so we went shopping.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Network Connectivity Problems

More reasons to not make an appointment at 8:15am... you will stress about it the night before. I dreamt that I couldn't print the paperwork I needed to conduct orientation this morning, because I always printed from Keli'i's computer, which she had moved into her bedroom making it inaccessible to me at work. Since Chris had forgotten something at home, we decided to go back and get what we needed. He brought me to my house in New York where I frantically tried to print my documents and change my outfit at the same time. I eventually realized that I didn't have access to the network from home (duh) and gave up. I went outside to find Mom lining up all the bikes we have ever owned for a "bike sale". I hopped in the car just as Dad pulled in in the police car.

We headed to Chris' house, which was conveniently right down the block, and he asked me why I was sitting in the back seat. I had no good answer for that. We got to his house and he ran inside, and I met his mom in the driveway. She gave me an uncomfortably long hug/snuggle and then we left, again, with me in the back seat. From Chris' house we ended up picking Jennifer up at Jim's, and Chris offered to drive her home, even though by now we were very late for work. On the way, Jen informed me that she'd be moving to Bianca, a small town in Washington state, because it was an important stop on the shipping route to New Orleans.

Vague memories of a luge, and Kala, who had recovered from his cancer and somehow reverted back into a puppy (o, how I wish!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I scream, you scream

Had two different dreams last night about eating ice cream. The first I was killing time at a mall or something and I stopped in Hagen Daaz for an ice cream and a coffee. The second I ran out with co-workers and ended up at an ice cream/bread stand without my wallet, so someone had to buy my ice cream for me. While I was eating the second ice cream, someone bought a round of car bombs, which I usually HATE because I can't get them down fast enough to prevent curdling, but I successfully took this one (made a mess though). Then Michele H. came over and told me about a terrible bar experience she'd had the night before, featuring high dives, graffitied pools, and a general sense of creepiness.

That's all that I can remember for now, hopefully more will come back to me. It was a real struggle waking up this morning, I seem to have lost a lot of detail in the transition!

whale of a tale or two

Had another dream about whale watching... this time I was standing on some sort of lanai, I think in a hotel, watching whales jump up and splash back into the ocean. There were tons of them, probably 30+ in a pod, all jumping and splashing. Soon I realized that they weren't small because they were far away, they were small because they were high up, and they were about to land in the water directly in front of me. Cue: tidal wave. As always, all ends well after the water receded except this small group of people decided to jump into a tank type thing that was rapidly filling with water. They were going to die in there, unless I somehow garnered enough attention and enough people noticed that they were on a suicide mission. A thankless task, let me tell you.

I also remember swimming in a sandy-bottom, shallow, hotel pool, and climbing the ceiling decorations in a graffiti-ed old theater.