Friday, July 22, 2011


Dreamt last night that I had been in some sort of traumatizing car accident (that I walked away from unscathed) but involved a piece of the car hitting boxes of gunpowder stacked on the side of the road (of course, why not?) and exploding. I was visiting one of the other accident survivors, and hiding from her 3 siblings. They found me anyway - I pretended I had been sleeping - and then the 5 of us started loading up these boxes with junk around the house to take to the dump. While we were doing this, someone started trying to break into the house. I ran upstairs to call the police but the 911 operator lacked any sense of urgency, and time was kind of of the essence. It turned out that the 911 operators were having their Christmas party, complete with snow in the 40 degree office. The fire department got there in time to deter the would-be burglars, but I was convinced they'd be back. By this time in the dream, the almost burgled house I was in was my own, and after the imminent threat had subsided, I went out front and dad was there with his jumbo new car. Like, really jumbo - climb in with a ladder, seats 300 and has a tennis court inside of it. I climbed through a small opening and over all of these people in seats to find Jen. I talked to Michele H. for a minute, asking her how she was etc., but she kept answering a question I was asking (ie: "how are you?" "thanks! I think so too"). Around this point I started freaking out at the idea of all of these people trying to exit the car-theater through that same small opening and looked for another exit. I found a HUGE double-doored entrance, and figured that maybe that's what I should have been using anyway. I walked out and was at some beach level resort - a setting similar to the Beachcomber in Fiji but not as picturesque. I was there with some man (who I think was a combo of Dan S. and Tobias Funke, believe it or not) that apparently I was trying to convince that I REALLY DID want to marry him, even though I didn't. He kept telling me that Rich was trying to get my attention (literally, not figuratively) but I refused to turn around because I knew if I did, it'd be over. I followed guy 1 for a walk by the water but one of my shoes (white moccasins) came off and started floating away. I jumped in in my clothes and let the tide take me back and forth, figuring that my shoe was probably on the same trajectory. There were a ton of other people in the water, including some scuba divers, so I let them all know what I was looking for. The water was super murky and I was losing hope when my shoe actually found me - something kept hitting my foot and when I went to pull it off - waaalaa! From there I went to use the restroom and for whatever reason had to CLIMB over the corner table where a nice middle aged woman was drinking wine.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was with this baby who ate some sort of plastic and started throwing up. I grabbed her and carried her to the bathtub and held her while she puked (I know this sounds so gross but in my dream it was the only thing to be done for the poor thing). The baby was all kinds of wet and slippery and I was having a really hard time holding onto her and keeping her from hitting her head. During the struggle my phone fell out of my pocket and got all wet, so afterward, Jimmy took his apart so I could see what the inside looked like and let it dry out. Also in this dream I was looking for a Tupperware container big enough to fit all of my Twizzler Pull 'n Peels.

At some point this week I dreamt that I was at the beach and this gorgeous dog came bounding at me and I loved it so much I took it home. I arrived at my house the same time Bobby got there with the baby. Realizing later that someone probably really loved this dog, I posted all of these "FOUND" posters and waited for a call. It did come, but the person lived in Jersey and couldn't get there until the next day, so I set the dog up in the shed, like a dog house.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

failed attempts

Dreamt last night that I was seeing a movie with Rich and he insisted on sitting with a seat in between us. Gwen's name flashed up during the beginning credits, and I spent the rest of the movie trying to text her to congratulate her, only to find that too difficult and start making giant construction paper cards. I kept spelling things wrong on them, and eventually just left all my sad attempts under the seat.

From there we were back "home", which I think was supposed to be the house in Hawaii. There were a whole bunch of people there and everyone was showering in one bathroom, while I tried to fix the faucet in the other, which had cracked and wouldn't turn off. While trying to fix it, I succeeded in cracking the whole sink and somehow ripping my nose ring out. I had this long straw-like contraption to try to put it back in, but to no avail. I went to ask Rich to throw my phone up to me (I was on a high, wooden lanai) so I could call the landlord about the sink. He tried to throw it to Tony but was waaaayyyy off, but miraculously stuck to my hand. I then realized that I had taken the number out of my phone (I very recently deleted my Boston landlords number) and went searching for correspondence. Inside the oven, I found a stack of letters with typos that Rich was sending out to dispute some charges.

At some point last night I also dreamt that I was on a crowded playground overlooking the ocean, when someone pointed out that the clouds looked really strange. When we all went to look we realized that there was a floating city in the clouds, and it was going to hit us. We all braced for impact, but the city passed right under us. Just as we thought we were safe, the ground we were on tilted wildly to the left, and then the right... it gets kinda fuzzy from there.

Two nights ago, the 17th, I dreamt that I was returning to my dorm with Erin, Linds, and Jax. It was raining, or we were running late, something that was making us hurry, and someone remembered that you could pass through adjoining dorms by using the "elevator" trick. We tried to get all four of us on one elevator without letting anyone else on, which proved quite difficult. We needed to get the elevator to the top floor with just the four of us on it, and then have it crash to the bottom (which incidentally was a pool) and we'd somehow end up in our own dorm. These elevators, by the way, were small dressing rooms and octagonal. We succeeded in dropping the elevator to the bottom, but had not moved buildings. We got out and decided to walk because this was more trouble that it was worth, when the police swarmed in - apparently the elevator trick had been banned. We snuck away down the alley, and hoped that no one noticed.

I've also been dreaming a lot about Hawaii - one night this week I dreamt that I was jogging and I decided I wanted to go to Lanikai. In my head, it would be easy, since I had a car again (the Altima I drive in NY - didn't cross my dream brain that the car and I were in NY, and the beach was not). I wanted to run home really fast so that I could go, but of course, as is always the case in my dreams, I could barely move at all. I also dreamt that I ran into Aimee in the water in Waikiki - she was there with her mom for a long weekend to visit her beau. I was giving her suggestions of things to see and places to visit, but she kept telling me that they had only one more day and it was kind of planned already. It turned out that they were manning a table for a college fair or some other kind of recruiting for work.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Weird dream last night that Jen and I were exiting a room through a window as it filled up with water - but not in a panicked fashion, very calmly, as though this was normal and expected. We slipped through the window as the room completely filled, getting us and everyone on the other side soaked. From there, I was immediately supposed to give a presentation on the report Rich and I were assigned on dinosaurs. Since I wrote the report, and Rich loves an audience, I figured he'd present. However, when it was our turn, the teacher told us that there was a new girl in class, and she was going to present our report and share the grade so that she didn't feel left out. FURY!

Remembered another dream from the dark ages, this one I believe I had in San Diego:

I was walking through a nice suburb in Hawaii when it started getting really really dark, and I saw water spouts approaching. I tried to remind myself that they are relatively harmless, but they were getting reeeeally close, so I got on someone's front steps to hide out under their awning. They invited me inside to wait out their storm, so I watched through the window with their kids, and was really surprised to see my former CEO and Hawaii's current Lt. Governor pull up to the house across the street.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Last night I dreamt that I was staying at Erin's apartment in LA with Jennifer, Lindsey, and some others. My cousin Eric was living in Cali, so I invited him for the weekend. He in turn invited his brother, who invited his band, and things got really cramped, really fast. The first morning everyone woke up, I tried to meet Erin at work to explain things. Jen and I took this moped/cozy coupe/wagon thing that was automatic, but reeeeaally slow, to find the blood bank. By the time we got there, Erin had left, and we got really lost trying to get back to her apartment. We had to take this teeny tiny sidewalk through an overpass that had a tree growing through it, so we had to lift the cozy coupe/wagon around it. We ended up ABOVE Erin's street, with the only obvious passage down to it through a pool staircase that we were not members of. I mapped out an alternate route, and there was one, but it was going to take us a damn long time in our wagonmonbile. We did eventually get there, after Jen ran into some people she knew from school, and I went to shower at E's, but people kept walking in and I couldn't get any privacy. One of the many guests had conveniently brought a shower curtain along, but once we got it hung we learned that she had actually brought it for a Halloween themed booth she was setting up for a festival.

in between dreams

No excuses, here's what I wrote down or remember:

6/7 (SD):
  • Rich takes a math final with a caterpillar in his hair
  • Battling for a parking spot with Tishken's friend Nicole
  • Red truck slamming into the neighbors driveway
  • Competing in a swim competition with some old professor that we all loved - Jess and Whitney refused to participate so it was just the two of us in a relay race. I went to change into a more race suitable bathing suit and try to find my goggles. I remember that I gave them to Pear before I moved (fact) so I went next door to get them from Keli'i's room. Steph P. was sleeping there, and asked me for yesterday's mail. A huge crowd showed up at the race, which we ended up finishing in 8th place. Kate Bosworth and Kristen Bell won, and immediately called Jay Dow to tell him.
Another SD dream entailed driving a school bus with Paul through winding hilly roads in Honolulu to get to work.

More recently, I dreamed that I was with a whole bunch of people and we were collecting bats from this floating island under a freeway ramp. The only way to get to the island was through a (clean) sewer tunnel type thing. People started climbing in, including Jen, when the tunnel started disconnecting. I was next to get in so I reached out to grab the last dude in there. I started sliding in, but then Lienne pulled us both out.

6/21 (NY) I dreamt that it was Halloween, and I needed red shoes to be either Sandy from Grease, or Daphne from Scooby Doo, so I went with Jen, Lienne and Steph to scour a DSW after we picked Zach up from the beach.

7/10 (NY) Dreamt that I was wandering some college town/campus that I was to live in and met the sweetest little boy who took an instant liking to me. His mother came over and told me that he was actually 11 but suffered some kind of disability so that he acted and appeared to be 3. I offered to lend a hand and ended up babysitting 6 days a week.