Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Last night I dreamt that I was staying at Erin's apartment in LA with Jennifer, Lindsey, and some others. My cousin Eric was living in Cali, so I invited him for the weekend. He in turn invited his brother, who invited his band, and things got really cramped, really fast. The first morning everyone woke up, I tried to meet Erin at work to explain things. Jen and I took this moped/cozy coupe/wagon thing that was automatic, but reeeeaally slow, to find the blood bank. By the time we got there, Erin had left, and we got really lost trying to get back to her apartment. We had to take this teeny tiny sidewalk through an overpass that had a tree growing through it, so we had to lift the cozy coupe/wagon around it. We ended up ABOVE Erin's street, with the only obvious passage down to it through a pool staircase that we were not members of. I mapped out an alternate route, and there was one, but it was going to take us a damn long time in our wagonmonbile. We did eventually get there, after Jen ran into some people she knew from school, and I went to shower at E's, but people kept walking in and I couldn't get any privacy. One of the many guests had conveniently brought a shower curtain along, but once we got it hung we learned that she had actually brought it for a Halloween themed booth she was setting up for a festival.

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