Thursday, July 14, 2011


Weird dream last night that Jen and I were exiting a room through a window as it filled up with water - but not in a panicked fashion, very calmly, as though this was normal and expected. We slipped through the window as the room completely filled, getting us and everyone on the other side soaked. From there, I was immediately supposed to give a presentation on the report Rich and I were assigned on dinosaurs. Since I wrote the report, and Rich loves an audience, I figured he'd present. However, when it was our turn, the teacher told us that there was a new girl in class, and she was going to present our report and share the grade so that she didn't feel left out. FURY!

Remembered another dream from the dark ages, this one I believe I had in San Diego:

I was walking through a nice suburb in Hawaii when it started getting really really dark, and I saw water spouts approaching. I tried to remind myself that they are relatively harmless, but they were getting reeeeally close, so I got on someone's front steps to hide out under their awning. They invited me inside to wait out their storm, so I watched through the window with their kids, and was really surprised to see my former CEO and Hawaii's current Lt. Governor pull up to the house across the street.

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