Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sunday I dreamt that I was attending some sort of Halloween/costume party, hosted by Kim D. I got dressed in a 50's sock-hop outfit in Dad's workshop. The party ended up being held in an elementary school, so all of the bathroom fixtures and appliances were really small and low to the ground.

Last night's dream is pretty hazy; I remember Chris B. and his lady, Fiona, dropping me off at the grocery store where I bought Pomegranate ice-pops. I forgot that I had to walk home, and they were melting all over the place. I came to another supermarket where I stopped to call Mom and see if she could come get me. She wasn't answering her cell, but then I spotted her walking around the store doing her own shopping, which was awesome because she was there, but not great because the ice-pops were mush by the time she was done. Also have a vague memory of climbing a grassy hill in a suburb... it was a normal street except the street was missing and there was only lawn. There were people there with me, though I can't remember who.

O! Friday's dream! Involved time travel/teleportation... I was in a dentist-type chair getting hooked up to all these electrodes to travel to where Rich and all my friends were. Apparently it wasn't as easy as just connecting to technology... it required a certain state of mind as well. Despite my best efforts and claims that I'd done this before (in a horizontal "Rep Payee" elevator with Gina), I could not travel to wherever everyone else was. I got really angry at Rich (in my garage in New York) for not waiting for me to go first to make sure I could join, because he knows how I hate to get left out of things.

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