Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I scream, you scream

Had two different dreams last night about eating ice cream. The first I was killing time at a mall or something and I stopped in Hagen Daaz for an ice cream and a coffee. The second I ran out with co-workers and ended up at an ice cream/bread stand without my wallet, so someone had to buy my ice cream for me. While I was eating the second ice cream, someone bought a round of car bombs, which I usually HATE because I can't get them down fast enough to prevent curdling, but I successfully took this one (made a mess though). Then Michele H. came over and told me about a terrible bar experience she'd had the night before, featuring high dives, graffitied pools, and a general sense of creepiness.

That's all that I can remember for now, hopefully more will come back to me. It was a real struggle waking up this morning, I seem to have lost a lot of detail in the transition!

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