Tuesday, February 1, 2011

whale of a tale or two

Had another dream about whale watching... this time I was standing on some sort of lanai, I think in a hotel, watching whales jump up and splash back into the ocean. There were tons of them, probably 30+ in a pod, all jumping and splashing. Soon I realized that they weren't small because they were far away, they were small because they were high up, and they were about to land in the water directly in front of me. Cue: tidal wave. As always, all ends well after the water receded except this small group of people decided to jump into a tank type thing that was rapidly filling with water. They were going to die in there, unless I somehow garnered enough attention and enough people noticed that they were on a suicide mission. A thankless task, let me tell you.

I also remember swimming in a sandy-bottom, shallow, hotel pool, and climbing the ceiling decorations in a graffiti-ed old theater.

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