Friday, April 1, 2011

to the sea

Last night's dream was all over the place. First (or maybe second...?) I was in the ocean, when these enormous sets started coming in. There was a surf coach out there and he was yelling how deep we had to dive under the wave to not get slammed. I kept my eyes open under water so I'd have a good Clark Little view of the inside of a wave, and watched some guy in a college t-shirt narrowly avoid getting sucked out to see. After escaping near death (by remembering a time we'd been there in a raft while the ocean was calm), we all headed over to Bogart's, which was about to close for the day. The shop was all dirty and run down, and being run by a small Chinese woman who was making shrimp dumplings to try out in the store. She gave me one and I loved it, then offered one to my non-shrimp eating mystery companion, who turned it down. I asked if I could have it instead, and she told me I'd have to pay for a second one. From there I left to get ready for a New Year's cheerleading competition, in which I was a flyer. It gets real fuzzy here, but I'm pretty sure Jill G. was there.

Afterwards (or maybe before) I was running around this hotel getting ready for some kind of special event. There was a shower that took up the span of an entire room, but had no walls (?) so I hopped in and tried not to let my hair get frizzy. I left there and got dressed and continued on, only to get swept up by some handsome man at a wedding that I was most definitely not invited to.

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