Friday, December 16, 2011


Dreamt last night that I took the time to investigate where my interview on Monday was going to be, down to determining where the nearest dry cleaner was to what codes I'd need in the parking garages.  Come interview day, I was waiting in the lobby with Jess, Melissa and Whitney, and I realized I wasn't dressed appropriately at all.  I tried on their clothes but nothing made sense, and the shirt I had left with the dry cleaner wasn't clean or dry.  I went home to find something else, and must have fallen asleep or something because at 2:55 someone pointed out that I was most definitely going to be late.  Jennifer was driving me there so I could finish assembling myself in the passenger seat and try to email/call the interviewers to tell them I was stuck in traffic or whatever.  By the time 3:45 rolled around and we were still in the car, I'd given up.

Fast forward and I'm on some kind of cruise/vacation package digging through a cooler looking for some Wailua Wheat.  I had to stop my hunt prematurely because Erin and Jess Salem had to leave early... something about birds.  Which actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. 

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