Thursday, November 10, 2011


Had a weird mash-up dream last night in which I was driving cross-country and stopped to get gas with Jennifer, but after I got the pump all set up the car started rolling backwards down a hill.  She pulled the emergency brake but to no avail, so I had to chase the car down and throw her the keys so she should drive it back up.  By the time we got the car situated, $10 worth of gas had been completely wasted, and somehow I was now filling up a moped, which takes approximately one gallon of gas.  I tried to complain to management but they wouldn't reimburse me, so I left in a huff and waited for my parents outside, where I found some girl (who I think I knew in the dream) trying to melt her engagement ring into an ice sculpture because she didn't want it anymore.  Some things happened that I can't really remember, then I was on a beach watching Melissa looking for one of her missing kindergartners (apparently she was a teacher and one of her students had gone missing). The lifeguard found the kid alive and well and brought it back to shore, and the water was bizarrely deep right at the break.  Shortly after that, a giant crocodile emerged so we started evacuating people from the beach into this big house.  I had to try to explain to some old lady that didn't speak English what a croc was, and I kept telling her it was like a dinosaur, but not extinct.  Anyway, the dinosaur attacked after we thought everyone was inside, but Gerzon got left behind.  Flash forward and I'm in the car with Rich and someone else driving somewhere, and he accidentally drove up a roller coaster track, thinking it was the road.  We safely backed up out of danger, and found ourselves in an art class painting tote bags with "truncated" pictures.  The girl next to me kept talking about her friend Gerzon and I was convinced that somehow he had time traveled from croc attack into this girls life.

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