Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last night started with me trying to hide from Jennifer, who was some sort of evil spy, in a giant mall/hotel. I rode the elevators around so she wouldn't know what floor I was on, then grabbed a whole bunch of dresses (weird, multi-patterned ones) to take into the dressing room with me in the hopes of blending in. I was undressing because I could see that Jen was going from dressing room to dressing room, peeking under the door at feet, and I wanted my feet to look like everyone else's. She found me anyway, because she was peeking through the cracks in the doors, and recognized my butt.

Phase two: Rich and I were sailing to Tahiti, but not on a boat, on a giant wooden square, kind of like a dock. We decided to go on a whim and were completely not prepared, but fortunately, Hulilau was there and was able to help us get our floating raft/dock through the surf and out to open sea. Once we got there, I realized a lot of our friends were aboard, and that while the raft/dock had a linen closet, it did not have a bathroom (though at first I thought that a white office chair in the corner was a toilet, only to be really disappointed later). We docked at a very inhabited island on the way to let everyone use the facilities while there still were some. There was a sea wall to the right, and beyond it was a shallow continental shelf under water. Rich and Leo and others went to go explore, and as I was watching them an enormous blowhole opened up and sucked Leo in. We were horribly panicked until it spit her back out a few minutes later, all in one piece. Then Rich got caught in the current and was struggling to stay out of it. Sahara tried to convince me not to jump in because there was nothing I could do, but I went for it and pulled him out.

And then something about holding Nikki G's baby.

1 comment:

  1. people are going to think we have an unhealthy relationship.
